Fairfield Farm College Sports Leaders learn how to plan and create fun activities for all abilities

sports leaders create successful event for local children with additional needs

As part of their Sports Leaders UK Level One/Learning to Lead qualification, the Fairfield Farm College Sports Leaders have been learning how to plan and create fun activities for all abilities. They have thought about how to make tasks harder or easier so that everyone can be involved and be successful.

Harry Mattingley from Wilts County Cricket Association joined two of our sessions and worked with our Sports Leaders to create a ‘Super 1’s’ event for local children with additional needs. The aim was to introduce the pupils to cricket activities or to extend their current skills.

The Sports Leaders practiced their delivery to each other and thought about how they communicate, best ways to demonstrate and ways to be motivational. 

Yesterday 32 pupils from Silverwood Special School (Larkrise site), Dilton Marsh Primary School and Westbury Junior School attended our planned event. They split into 6 groups and experienced 6 different cricket themed activity stations. The Sports Leaders worked in pairs on each station. They introduced each group to the activity, showed them what to do and then supported them to ‘have a go’.

Sports Leaders did a fantastic job, and the pupils visiting the college to attend the event had lots of fun and learnt a variety of skills. All pupils that attended got a medal for taking part, plus there was a trophy for one pupil from each school to celebrate qualities like being respectful, being kind or being brave.

The Fairfield Farm College Sports Leaders can’t wait until their next project, working with with Paralympian Louise Hunt to create an inclusive tennis event. The event is funded by the Youth Sport Trust and is called ‘Beyond the Baseline’.


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Visit Fairfield Market – Friday 21st June

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