Fairfield College Awarded Partner of the Year by Seetec pluss

Fairfield College Awarded Partner of the Year 2024 by Seetec Pluss

On Friday 15 March Fairfield College were awarded partner of the year 2024 from Seetec Pluss.

Seetec hold the National Careers Service contract across the UK and provide those aged 19+ with careers advice and guidance. Careers Advisors from Seetec have been visiting Fairfield College fortnightly for several years to help our young people to create a CV, give careers advice and help students to think about their possible next steps. Sophie and Emma, Careers Advisors from Seetec have been great working with our students and we would like to personally thank them for all they have done.

More information on the National Careers Service can be found here https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk

Fairfield College Awarded Partner of the Year by Seetec pluss
Partner of the year 2024 from Seetec Pluss.