We have a range of on-site therapists available to help learners on their courses, they include:
Talk Therapy
An opportunity to meet with a trained psychotherapist and explore worries and concerns.
Speech and Language Therapy
Access to professional SaLT and weekly lessons focusing on communication.
Equine Facilitated Learning
A way of understanding themselves and learning about the world through equine and stable management skills.
Using communication software, Makaton, Widget, LEGO Therapy, Alternative Augmentative Communication, Understanding Language, Expressing Language, Attention building and Verbal reasoning.
Art Therapy (drawing & talking therapy)
Weekly small group therapy that looks at using creativity to explore worries, concerns and challenges at the same time as being expressive and creative.
Download our prospectus
The Fairfield College prospectus is a comprehensive guide to the college’s courses, facilities, and support services.
Apply online
You are able to apply for a place at Fairfield College online with our easy to use application form. Click here to apply.
We also offer
Fairfield College offers many extracurricular activities, so have a look at our page dedicated to what else students can experience. Click here to explore.
Contact us
Want more information before putting forward an application? Call us on 01373 823028 or email info@ffc.ac.uk.