
You will learn to look after a wide variety of small and larger animals across our sites. The session includes leanring about the animals, safer handling, caring for animals and also keeping the enclosures, housing and paddocks safe and secure. You will learn about Health and Safety when working with animals. Sometimes you may see animals born. You will meet the vet and the sheep/alpaca shearer and see them working. You may learn to help with chain harrowing, rolling, haymaking, mending fences, hedging and ditching.

Learning, Knowledge and Skills

You will learn to care for a wide range of animals, the food and conditions they need to survive. You will learn the life cycle of animals. You will learn skills to maintain the land around the farm. You could gain additional work experience on a farm, at a local nature centre, animal park or at a farming retailers such as Mole Valley Farmers.

Progression and the future

You will have gained a wide range of skills and could look for work or voluntary positions in a pet shop or animal park, you could also work with a local farmer or farm shop. You could work independently to help others to look after their pets, particularly dog walking or caring for pets when their owners are on holiday.



English, Maths & IT

The World of Work

Life Skills

Digital Skills

Personal Growth


Small Animal Studies

Dog Grooming

Market Garden




Fairfield Animal Centre

Foundation Studies

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