Speech & Language Therapy (SaLT)
Speech and Language Therapy plays an important role within the College environment. The Speech and Language Therapist and the Communication Tutor work together to provide support that is mainly delivered through the classroom, work environment and through working with the staff, to target functional communication.
Learners may receive support from the Speech and Language Therapy team through a combination of methods:
- Overseeing communication targets to be integrated into the learner’s daily routine. Therapists work jointly with the teaching staff to set functional and meaningful targets and give advice about how to reach those targets.
- Working through teaching and support staff who have been provided with the necessary advice and training to implement individualised programmes.
- Working with the learner individually, developing their specific needs using specialist techniques.
- Working with the learner in small groups.
- Working in the classroom/work environment.
- Assessment of needs and progress to contribute to annual review of their EHCP.

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