Student Council meet over Zoom to discuss future plans

student council meet over zoom to discuss future plans

Our 2020/2021 Student Council have been busy discussing their future plans over Zoom. They’ve all done brilliantly well at adapting to the current situation, and they hope to meet with the Principal soon. Our 2020/2021 Student Council consists of the following members;
Chairperson – Owen
Vice Chair – Kieran
Secretary – Lily
Treasurer – Holly
Event’s Organiser – Jessica
Some of the ideas discussed included;
  • An accessible seating area with flower beds on the college Campus.
  • Owen suggested some themed lunches, such as Italian, French and vegetarian. Owen is going to put together a questionnaire once students return to get their ideas.
  • Own and Jess would like to find a way to make Fairfield’s Got Talent happen this year, even if it done virtually.
  • Lily has been discussing recycling and would like to put together some ideas for fundraising. Owen suggested Zoom Bingo and they agreed to discuss this further.


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