Fantastic feedback from online learning

fantastic feedback from online learning students and parents

We have been inundated with kind messages supporting staff in rising to the challenge of delivering a largely practical curriculum through remote learning.

Here are just some of the amazing messages we’ve received from parents/carers;

We just wanted to pass on our thanks to everyone concerned for the amazing remote learning provision.


The zoom lessons have provided much needed social interaction and challenges for our son. The complete at home work has been well tailored to his abilities.

The communication from tutors has been great.


It has meant that our son has had to work quite hard, challenge himself, but yet he’s had much more social interaction than first lockdown. It means he enjoys his leisure time much more and he is much less anxious than the last lockdown.


It has been really humbling and inspiring watching the young people overcome all sorts of communication difficulties to chat together, celebrate with each other and just generally be together!


The teachers show such understanding and differentiated teaching, engaging all the students in different ways.


Thank you to everyone!!! Just for a little while we have had a window in to the college lives of our children and tutors and it has been so much more wonderful than we imagined.


Please, send our heartfelt thanks to everyone. 

I can say for myself and M that definitely some days are easier than others!


For us the I-curriculum sessions have been good. M loves shopping for food, food is one her favourite subjects! I have to be honest though, the most enjoyable session by far was the Chocolate Mug Cake session! That was great fun! I must admit that I was quite anxious about that as I wasn’t sure how it would actually work out with everyone on Zoom. BUT it was great! Such fun! 


And we’ve made it again, since then.


Thank you for your hard work and support. 

Take care, best wishes, 

Helen S


  • Thanking you all for the online teaching support that the college has provided, I can’t begin to imagine how difficult it must be for everyone at FFC during these strange days.
  • Whilst James has thoroughly enjoyed the Zoom sessions and logs in willingly of his own accord, he hasn’t enjoyed our attempts at home schooling so much!  He is keen to get back to his normal College routine and see his friends, too.
  • Thank you so much for all your updates, emails, guidance, Zoom sessions, support, etc. You’re all heroes! We love you!
  • I can’t thank you all enough for the amazing support with home learning. Ben loves the zoom sessions so he can see everyone and it’s giving him a great routine.
  • Thank you so so much for the amazing zoom sessions from your amazing staff. The routine at home is great and he loves seeing everyone.
  • Please can I say thank you to all of the teachers and staff who are maintaining our link with college through the zoom sessions. For Oscar, and myself, having this connection and familiarity with the staff and students is proving vital and will certainly help transition back into college in the future as well.


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