Fairfield Farm College Student Council get involved with Natspec Student Parliament

student council get involved with natspec student parliment activities

The Fairfield Farm College Student Council have been involved with the Natspec Student Parliament, and have given their thoughts on 10 key things that would improve their quality of life as young disabled people.
The Student Council took part in the discussions over Zoom, with both education and training for employers regarding the employment of people with learning disabilities high on their agenda. Well done to Student Council for getting involved with such an important project.
Read more about the consultation response to the Disability Unit in the Cabinet Office on the article here.

In other NATSPEC news, Jessica, Event’s Organiser for Student Council attended a NATSPEC Games meeting back in February. They were discussing ideas for this year’s NATSPEC Games and Jess was full of ideas. She set up a Zoom meeting with Rachel Bown and discussed her ideas. They decided to create a pack that could be sent out to all the colleges involved.

Rachel sent Jess the worksheets and Jess created the front cover and order.

We emailed it to the organiser who thought it was a great idea and the pack will be used!


Visit Fairfield Market – Friday 21st June

Visit Fairfield Market – Friday 21st June

Our College Market day is taking place on Friday 21st June and we'd love to see you there! Browse a selection of stalls filled with student grown and student made products. The market will be taking place between 10am and 1pm and all purchases are CASH ONLY.

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