Fairfield Farm College Life Skills Class practice window cleaning skills at Dilton Marsh C of E Primary School

Fairfield Farm College students have been focusing on how to maintain a home as a lesson theme over the past few weeks.

During mental health awareness week, students looked at the benefits of having a clean college. Students stated that they found it easier to focus on tasks when the environment they are in is clean and tidy. They also identified the importance of natural light boosting their mood through the windows. 

We firstly took to cleaning the windows around the college, including the café and shop. We had lots of positive feedback from customers, and a few suggested we offer this service to the local community.

The Life Skills class loved this idea and felt it was important to share what they had learnt.  We decided that Dilton Marsh School would be a great start. Mrs Hibbs, headteacher of Dilton Marsh was delighted with the student’s enthusiasm and professionalism. She has since invited us back to teach the students to clean windows.