Careers Newsletter Easter 2022 Edition

National Careers Service
So far this academic year 36 of our young people aged 19+ have taken part in impartial 1:1 Careers Advice and Guidance sessions with Emma from the National Careers Service.
If you are aged 19+ you can find out more information here:
Careers Activities that have taken place
Students at Fairfield took part in an employer engagement session with George from McDonalds. Students were able to find out about what it was like to work at McDonalds and were able to ask any questions that they had. George oversees recruitment at Chippenham, Melksham and Trowbridge stores and explained to the students how he had worked his way up, starting off as floor crew. Students and staff at Fairfield and Hope Nature Centre took part in selling odd socks to celebrate World
Down Syndrome Awareness Day and to raise funds for Swindon and Wiltshire Down Syndrome Group. The funds will support the local Workfit scheme supporting people with Down Syndrome into employment. A fantastic total of £549.50 was raised. Students at Fairfield had a visit from PCSO Moore and PC Chaventre of Wiltshire Police. The officers shared with the students their career pathway, the training they had undertaken and shared what life is like as a police officer. Students were able to ask questions and look at standard police issue equipment . There was also the chance to have a look inside the police car. 25 Fairfield students took part in an Interview Prep Workshop delivered by Education Business Partnership and funded via Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub. The students were able to learn what to do and not do in an interview, appropriate body language and how to dress and behave in an interview. Students then met an employer and were able to find out about his job in Human Resources.
Alumni Update
Jordan was a student at Fairfield and then studied a supported internship
programme supported by Wiltshire Employment Support Team (WEST). We recently learned that Jordan has successfully secured a 25 hour a week
contract with employer Superdrug.
Jordan developed his retail and customer service skills whilst working in the shop and café at Fairfield and has now successfully transferred them into the world of work. Well done Jordan we are all very proud of you.
White Horse Day Centre
Students, Conall and Holly, have been volunteering at the White Horse Day Centre for the last few months. They
had both identified that they were interested in undertaking some work experience with the elderly. This is part of their work experience, they help prepare and serve a three course meal to the members of the day centre. They also help with the afternoon entertainment activities. Conall also volunteers in a local day centre in his home town on Fridays. Conall has identified this as an area he may wish to gain employment in.
Virtual Interviews with Center Parcs & McDonalds
Recently 18 students studying on the Work Skills Programme took part in interviews with staff from Center Parcs and McDonalds. For these students this was their first real interview with an employer. Both companies treated this as a real interview and used the same questions they would use with any potential employee. The students
that were involved have been working towards this since September. After all interviews had taken place the
students then gave each other feedback on what went well and what could be improved.