Latest work experience updates from Fairfield Farm College

Students have been keeping busy in their respective work experience placements over the past few weeks.

Libby and Yasmin have recently joined the Canal & River Trust work experience team. They have both settled into work well and have been busy this week cutting the grass at Bradford on Avon wharf picnic area.

A big well done to Mark who recently started his new work experience placement with Wiltshire Museum in Devizes. Mark is now attending his placement independently on a weekly basis.  Mark is working on a project to 3D model the museum in Roblox so that visitors can see an online version of the museum. Mark has lots of impressive ideas and wants to help make the museum even more disability/autism friendly. Mark has been helping run the museum’s social media accounts and helping with posters and leaflets. 

A huge well done to Ben who has secured paid part time employment with Co-op in Melksham. Ben is working in the store on the shop floor stocking shelves and on the till serving customers. Ben has been able to transfer the skills he has been developing at Fairfield by working in the college shop and café into a new work setting. We are all very proud. 

Well done to Tom who has been working with Wiltshire Employment Support Team and secured his first paid job. Tom started his first shift yesterday working for Chippenham Town Council. We are all very proud of Tom’s achievement. Well done Tom