Mixed Ability Rugby success for Residential students at Fairfield Farm Trust

Residential Students at Fairfield Farm College have been enjoying Mixed Ability Rugby over the past 6 months, where they regularly get the opportunity to train with a Mixed Ability team on Monday evenings. Mixed Ability Rugby means that players of all abilities can be involved, with or without disabilities and can choose to play as either a contact or a non-contact player whilst being on the same pitch. 

Tim, Ewan, Jacob, Cameron and Josh really enjoy participating in the sport, and they’ve all had huge successes within the team. Tim quickly became the Team Captain and was also Man of the Match, Something he was very proud of. Not only have they been training weekly in Melksham, but they have also taken part in matches in Bath, Birmingham and Windsor. 

In January 2022, Bath Rugby Foundation participants were given the opportunity to attend the Bath Vs Worcester Warriors match at the Recreation Ground and to play a mixed ability touch game during half time on the pitch. This has been a huge confidence boost for the team and they didn’t ​shy away from playing in front of thousands of people

When asked what they enjoy most about the Rugby, Tim replied with “I like training, it makes me feel happy” and Cameron said “I felt nervous at first but now I enjoy training”. We look forward to seeing what they get up to next in their Rugby journey!