Collaborate digital podcast finalist

Collaborate Digital Podcast Finalists – Vote for us!

Last term Fairfield students took part in a whole college assembly around healthy and unhealthy relationships.  3 groups of students went on to make great podcasts at the time, and we’re delighted to tell you that one of them has been selected as a finalist, and put forward for the public vote!

We delivered this workshop as approximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6-7 men experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. In 2021 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that people with learning difficulties were up to three times more likely to experience this abuse. 

Our students have been selected, because judges felt their message was so powerful. 

The judges were impressed by the high standard of entries from all the participating schools and it’s a credit to those involved in this podcast that they have been nominated for the final prize. You can listen to the nominated podcast along with the other two which were created below:

The online public vote begins next week on Thursday 2nd May. The winning school will be the one with the most votes a week later and will receive a trophy in recognition of their efforts.

The podcast workshop was delivered by Collaborate Digital and the poll is now live on their website waiting for people to vote!

It would be incredible if the whole college and wider community could support our students in voting for their podcast. All of the students from each group showed great bravery being involved and we’re very proud of them.

Click to vote here!

Students at the workshops were told about the following 3 services they may wish to access:

  • FearFree – An organisation dedicated to break the cycle of domestic abuse.
  • Free Mental Health Support by Text – A text service where you can get confidential advice and support with mental health
  • Chat Health – Speak to a school nurse confidentially if you are worried about any issue.