Training opportunities with Fairfield Farm Trust

Training opportunities with Fairfield Farm Trust

Fairfield Farm Trust have opened places for several new training courses. You can find out all the details below. TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME ASCENTIS DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING L5 There are many people that would like to train as Further Education teachers, but...
Fairfield Leavers enjoy lunch event at The Weavers

Fairfield Leavers enjoy lunch event at The Weavers

On September 21st, current Fairfield Farm College BTEC Hospitality and Tourism students were able to host a leavers event at The Weavers, the brand new pub that is almost ready to open to the public in early October. Students relished the opportunity to show off the...
Hay Bales for sale at Fairfield Market Garden

Hay Bales for sale at Fairfield Market Garden

Fairfield Market Garden are pleased to be selling our high-quality bales of hay. The price is £4.50 per small bale, and will need to be collected from Fairfield Farm College. To arrange an order please email Please note orders will only be able...
College & Facilities to close on September 19th 2022

College & Facilities to close on September 19th 2022

Fairfield Farm College, Farm Shop, Cafe & Post Office will be closed on Monday 19th September to give both our students and staff the opportunity to mark Her Majesty’s passing on the day of the Queen’s State Funeral.   We will return to normal hours of...
Fairfield Farm Students being Work Experience after summer

Fairfield Farm Students being Work Experience after summer

Students at Fairfield Farm College have returned back to some fantastic work experience at local businesses after the summer break. A new group have working with the Canal & River Trust to help with a variety of jobs along the length of the tow path in...