Fairfield College is a provider of post-16 education and training for young adults with learning difficulties and physical disabilities. As a college of Further Education, we are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) with Local Authorities commissioning places from us. 

We deliver study programmes that combine a range of subjects and opportunities that help you to understand and develop new skills, knowledge and experiences. All of our study programmes last 2 years. 

You will follow a study programme which will enable you to build upon and learn new skills and knowledge in order to support your educational and career aspirations.  All our programmes of learning will be appropriately challenging with a focus on individual progression.

The core elements of our study programme include vocational pathways, relevant aspects of English and maths, independence skills, tutorials, enrichment and work experience or work-related activity.  We offer externally accredited qualifications through nationally approved awarding organisations at Entry Level and beyond.



English, Maths & IT

The World of Work

Life Skills

Digital Skills

Personal Growth


Small Animal Studies

Dog Grooming

Market Garden




Fairfield Animal Centre

Foundation Studies

Download our prospectus

The Fairfield College prospectus is a comprehensive guide to the college’s courses, facilities, and support services. 

Apply online

You are able to apply for a place at Fairfield College online with our easy to use application form. Click here to apply.

We also offer

Fairfield College offers many extracurricular activities, so have a look at our page dedicated to what else students can experience. Click here to explore.

Contact us

Want more information before putting forward an application? Call us on 01373 823028 or email info@ffc.ac.uk.